7 Inspirational Quotes About Self Improvement for Women
Looking for inspirational quotes for self-improvement? These motivational quotes will help you become the best version of yourself.
Tweet them. Share them.
But most important, pick the one you like best and place it where you’ll see it every day… and let it help make you become a better person.
Inspirational Quote #1

Many of us will, from time to time, try to imagine what someone is thinking, or how they came up with an idea especially if it is someone who is in a position we want to be, e.g a successful mompreneur. Of course, if you get a chance, you can ask them. However, you may not get this chance.
Instead, you could read a book they wrote and an article written by someone else about them. In that manner, you can get insight regarding their reasons, methods, and thought processes which lead them to a particular conclusion.
This way, you are actually seeing inside their head, and thinking with theirs, instead of yours. You don’t necessarily have to agree with their opinions, however, you will be able to understand what they did, and may even why they did.
What better way to grow as an entrepreneur than learning from the best!
Inspirational Quote #2

It is very important to spend time with people around who are positive thinkers, with a positive mindset, say positive think, and act out just that.
What they say and do can have a positive influence on your spiritual, physical, emotional, or intellectual side.
Sometimes it doesn’t even matter where they live as technology can close the gap. I have a friend, a mompreneur, an influencer, who has been my motivator throughout my journey, Lilian Nantume.
We met years ago while pursuing our Masters in Intellectual Property. She is a POSITIVE person in a way I will never explain. To this date, even after going back to our countries, I make sure I get to read or feel her positive vibes.
She has indirectly helped me push and give me the courage to pursue my dreams because, in her world, IMPOSSIBLE does not exist.
So, go on and find your own Lilian or more. Stop hanging around people who discourage you instead of giving you hope, people who bring you down when you try to go up.
Inspirational Quote #3

Have you ever tried to polish something? Can you remember you started with a really rough grit, and then move to smaller grit, and eventually a paste? To get better, your practice has to get better as well.
Many times when we start, we want to be at the same level as the mompreneur who is at the peak of their career or is making fortune. This is a big mistake because they have been in the game for many years and have learned from their failures. Practice is how a person is improved. Fire is how gold is refined. Friction is how gems are polished. The success or awards they are getting is a result of many years of hard work and sleepless nights. Just because this person is successful does not mean they never failed. They learned how to get up and continue chasing their dreams. Unfortunately, there are no public awards for getting up after trials and tribulations. Thus, you won’t hear them.
Inspirational Quote #4

Life isn’t always kind. We all have to endure some hardships while chasing our dreams.
Being a mom and a mompreneur means you are wearing many hats (and only have two hands). It is hard to balance business and motherhood when mom guilt lingers like your kid ripping one in the back seat.
DO NOT QUIT! There are fellow mompreneurs out there who are reinventing what it means to do it all, have it all, and enjoy it all while changing diapers, growing their business, and avoid burning the pasta.
You too can survive the tough times. You just need to change your mindset and how you perceive obstacles. Think about this, If you can’t stand the heat, how will you cook a meal? And if you can’t cook that meal, you will ever get to it?
One of the best ways to keep going is to network/hang around with other mompreneurs who uplift you and inspire you to level up in your life and business.
Inspirational Quote #5

Life in general is a journey.
While traveling through our individual paths, we often come to forks or intersections among the paths.
Choosing which path to take is often a challenge because there is no perfect path with absolutely no issues, problems, or puddles. All we can do is prepare for them, and vow to find a way forward despite them.
Inspirational Quote #6

One thing I have learned from successful mompreneurs is to take small steps, small actions on a daily basis. Small steps matter a lot. As a mom and a mompreneur who is working full time, I had to learn this the hard way. There was a time in my life when I was waiting for “Enough time”; but she was not coming. That’s when I realized I don’t need to do it once. All I needed was to take steps, however small. Action gets things done and is the key to success.
If you have been thinking of starting a project, wait no further. Even if it doesn’t seem like much, is action, and a beginning. You will build on what you have started and the further steps you take, the better you become because you will learn from your results, and mistakes. But only after you take the first step, the first action.
Inspirational Quote #7

More than ever, women are standing up, stepping out, & serving the world by leading. We’re confident, unapologetic mothers, who are running side gigs and making money so we can invest in ourselves, our families, & our future. We are simply unstoppable. Join the tribe….All it takes is confidence. Women with confidence know they can do things. People with resolve keep working at things until they are complete.