9 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes for Lady Boss
More than ever, women are standing up, stepping out, & serving the world by leading. We’re unapologetic (married) mothers, and we’re multiplying our money so we can invest in ourselves, our families, & our future.
These motivational quotes are for mom entrepreneurs who are succeeding or struggling to grow their businesses.
Tweet them. Share them.
But most important, pick the one you like best and place it where you’ll see it every day… and let it help you build businesses around your passions.

Building a business is not easy. Be it digital or a traditional business. As a mother, you will be wearing many hats. The trick is to start a side gig in line with your home life. This applies to an everyday female entrepreneur who wants to ditch the overwhelm and get on the fast track to creating more meaning, money, freedom, and growth in her life with her heart-centered, purpose-driven business. Once you have turned it into a brand, this will change, you will leave the 9-5, and continue earning passive income! But, hey, it will not be easy at the beginning.

Challenges are part of how we grow as entrepreneurs, and as human beings. They help us improve. If it was not due to the financial challenges I faced while building Create and Leave, I could have hired someone to build my site and to create my marketing designs.
Today, I am thankful because, through YouTube, I have mastered WordPress and Divi builder for web development and I have mastered Canva for designs. I have built several sites, helped so many people thanks to the knowledge and skills acquired during my financial struggles. So, the reward is how the new information helps you change and become more.

Have you ever been at a point where you have a question, but you’re too afraid to ask it? Many times it’s because you don’t want to look foolish, in front of others.
Look at it from this point of view, if do not ask, you will never learn what you need to know.
Of course, if you asked, you might get some grief for asking the question, but that “painful feeling” soon wears off. So, you were a fool, but just for a short period of time. However, if you did not ask, when would you have learned? That way, you leave yourself a fool for the rest of your life. You had an opportunity to get the answer, however, you let it pass.

There is nothing important as being yourself at all times. However, to be yourself, you have to know who you are. Your strengths, what you want, what you stand for, and what you believe. Finally, learn to love and appreciate YOU!

A few years ago, I decided I will stop wasting all of my energy on worrying, on doubt, on fear and use it for greatness.
Why? Because you know what? Most of the things you fear will never actually happen. But, even if they do, they’re never as painful or bad as you expected. So, I’ve learned that worrying about stuff is just a waste of time.
This is, of course, easy to say. But if you remind yourself of how little of what you feared throughout your life has actually happened, you’ll probably end up laughing at yourself.
Now think about how much time you’ve wasted worrying about trivial things.

Do you have a dream? Have a desire, deep inside? Do you yearn to achieve something great? No matter what that dream, I want to tell you now, IT IS POSSIBLE.
Never give up on your dreams, otherwise, you will not live the life you wanted when you were younger. If children can dream, grown-up people can dream too.
The only good reason for you to give up is your death. As long as you are alive (healthy and free), you have a choice to make attempts to succeed.
So, Everything Is Possible.
Just Get to it.
Be Strong Like an Oak and keep pushing.

You might be facing challenges in your life or business right now. Perhaps you are trying to grow a business but keep failing. You know what… All Problems Have a Solution. Quitting every time you face a new challenge can only form into a self-destructive habit. It might change your perception of yourself.
You may begin to believe easily that you are good enough. Instead, identify these obstacles and endeavor to understand how they are affecting your life and perception of reality.
So don’t leave.
Keep pushing! You are alive! You are allowed to learn new ways to complete a specific goal or to accomplish a dream. Stop giving up on your dreams …

Most successful mompreneurs view obstacles as the best thing that can happen, as it keeps the less determined people from getting in their way. Every obstacle makes their life easier by thinning out their competition.
If you want to follow suit, don’t fear the problem or challenge itself. Look at it as an opportunity to learn something new and to test your ability and wit.
I am saying this because every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve your conditions. You just need to Change Your Attitude. Instead of focusing on the obstacle, you should prioritize and focus your energy on the opportunities presented. This positive attitude may not solve all your problems but that is the only option you have if you want to get out of your problems and grow as a person.

Life Is Not Always Smooth Sailing, Life’s journey is never always up; neither will it always down. That’s what I have learned.
We all get knocked down at some stage. The biggest test is how quickly we get back up. We must never stay down for so long.
Think of a little child who is learning how to walk. They will fall, not once, not twice…it can happen ten times. What if they decide not to try to walk again? Will they ever walk again? NO!
So when you fall, focus on the positive side of falling(e.g you will be cautious next time) and take courage to get up, even if you fail again and again! (I DID)