Write Valuable, Memorable Content for the Right Audience
It is time to create, publish, and put your content in front of your targeted audience on Pinterest. You can do that by writing valuable blog posts. There are two ways to do this:
Start a Blog on WordPress for only $2.95/month
Starting a WordPress blog site is not as expensive and complicated as you may think. You can easily set up your blog even if you do not have coding skills. The easiest and very cheap way is to build your WordPress site is to use Bluehost. You can pay $2.95 per month.

Advantages of using WordPress
- You can use plugins for Customization.
- Multiple Theme Options to make your site look beautiful.
- You own the domain and can easily create a brand.
Disadvantages of using WordPress
There is a $2.95 hosting fees to pay every month.
Start a Blog on Medium for Free
Medium is a publishing platform that is open to all and home to a diverse array of stories, ideas, and perspectives.
Advantages of using Medium
If your goal is to write and get your content seen by your audience, and make money for now, then Medium is a great option because it is free.
Disadvantages of using Medium
- You don’t have full ownership of your site and are building your platform on someone else’s brand.
- You’re stuck with the features that come with it out of the box. you don’t get to change how Medium works, or how it looks.
- You don’t own the domain here.
Obviously, WordPress outweigh Medium, because you are looking for a long-term business model. So for this course, we will be referring to WordPress.
Once you have a blogging platform, the next step is to write valuable content around the topic of your choice. The aim should be to help your audience.
Know What Your Audience is Searching For
One way you can predict the needs of your target audience is by figuring out what questions they might have about your product or service.

Pinterest keyword research is the first thing you need to figure out. Using well-researched keywords helps people find your content and click over to your site or blog.
Fortunately, Pinterest has several ways to support your keyword research for free right on the platform. In the section below, I will show you the way I do keyword research on Pinterest.
To start with, there are 3 types of keywords to look for on Pinterest:
- Guided Keywords (Main Keyword a.k.a Broadest keyword)
- Lead Keywords (sub-categories of the Main Keyword )
- Support Keywords
Now, there are 3 ways to find these keywords. You can use Pinterest auto-suggestion, Pinterest Advertising Platform, or Pinterest Guided Search. Both are effective and are likely to give you the same result. However, I find the latter faster and straight forward.
That why in this course, I will show you how to use the guided search method to find relevant keywords without paying for any keyword research tool.
First, I will show you how to find the 3 types of keywords I mentioned earlier, thereafter I will show you how to use them the right way.
How to Use Pinterest Guided Search to Find Keyword Ideas

What is Guided Search?
Guided search, as Pinterest is calling the feature, returns a list of Pinterest tiles for your searches that are popular among users. According to Pinterest, Guided Search is “made for exploring, whether you know exactly what you want, or you’re just starting to look around”.
So, when a Pinterest user searches for something, descriptive, topically-based “guides” appear at the top of the page that help the user sift through Pins and boards posted by others. They are like sub-categories of the Main Keyword (Broadest keyword).
How to Use Pinterest Guided Search to Find Lead Keywords
To find Lead keywords, follow these steps:
Type in a term in the search field ( your main keyword ) into Pinterest search on a desktop computer and pull up the results page.

A new list of words or phrases appears that are commonly searched with those two terms (Affiliate Marketing). These are what I call guided keywords.
You can easily drag your cursor over these words moving to the right to select all keywords. Then copy the list and paste and save them into a text editor (in order) or wherever you keep track of your keywords.
Now I have an entirely new list of keyword ideas in order of engagement and popularity according to Pinterest!
Keep in mind that these change dynamically based on user engagement with the highest trending and engaging guides at the forefront of the guide list, based on what Pinterest has stated on their engineering blog. Your audience might see different keywords at the top of Guided Search but this is definitely a start on the right path!
How to Use Pinterest Guided Search to Find Support Keywords
Support keywords are an extended version of the lead keywords. They are longer and more specific which makes them ideal to target specific searchers. More on this later.
To find support keywords, follow these steps:
Click at any of the lead keywords (e.g I will click on my first lead keyword, for beginners)

My first keyword affiliate marketing was extended to affiliate marketing for beginners.
There are also new guides under the new lead keyword. They are like sub-categories of the lead Keyword.
Next, I will scroll through these guided searches to see which one is relevant to the offer I am promoting or any content of my choice( mine is a step-by-step guide, so I choose that lead keyword).

After clicking step-by-step the color bubbles disappear. This tells me I have refined my keywords enough. Below are the top 5 pins ranking for the keyword “Affiliate Marketing for beginners Step by step”.
Let’s find out possible reasons why they made it to the top.
This pin has all the terms which made up my support keyword: Affiliate Marketing – For beginners – Step-by-step.
Can this be a reason why it made it to the top? Lesson learnt there.
Take note, it is not necessary to have these terms together. The Pinterest algorithm will connect them even if they are not next to each other.