Pinterest is a visual search engine with a social component. It is totally different from Facebook and Instagram which are very socially driven with likes and shares. Like Google, Pinterest is centered around search. This powerful platform currently has 478 million monthly active users (Pinterest, 2021). 

In this course, I will show you the exact step-by-step process to do Pinterest keyword research the right way, set up your account for success, creating pins with viral potential, writing keyword-rich pin descriptions, and Prepping Your website for Pinterest and make money from Pinterest through affiliate marketing.

So, If Pinterest marketing is still confusing, this complete guide on Pinterest will help clarify things!

Get Started With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Below are the steps you need to follow to get started with Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest :

Choose a Niche To Focus On

A niche is a targeted, proven topic/keyword that you should focus on.  It is a group of people who are very interested in what you will have to offer in your blog/niche site.

If you want to make more money and live off Affiliate Marketing, I highly recommend that you stick to the following evergreen niches that have the potential to attract large audiences:









These niches are solid and can make job-killing income. You can easily get traffic and pivot. 

When you can solve a problem, you can make money. The BIGGER the problem, the MORE you make.

Think of big problems solvers in “regular jobs” like doctors and lawyers, there is a reason why they are the big income earners, they help solve big problems.

They help people from getting into big trouble in difficult ways.

As a marketer, you can find problems in the marketplace to deliver solutions and use software to help you scale. Someone out there has a problem they need to tackle or maybe a desire they want to be fulfilled.

Find Products or Services to Promote

Now that you have chosen a niche to focus on, it is time to look into products or services that can satisfy your target audience’s needs or wants.

To figure out what your targets need, first answer these questions:

1. Who are they?

2. What are their greatest difficulties, problems, or desires?

3. Where do they find the information they need daily?

By finding out what your customers want, you’ll be able to pick relevant products or services which can satisfy their needs or solve their problems.

Choose a Perfect Affiliate Program/Network

 Head to any affiliate network to pick the best products to promote. The goal is to make sure you are promoting products that make sense to you and which fit well in your audience. 

Consider Top Affiliate Network/ Market Places like:

JVZOO – Does not require approval and you can get high commissions (Internet Marketing Niches only)

Amazon – Has earned the trust of many shoppers worldwide.

ClickBank – Offers high commissions to affiliates and has earned trust.

You can also check out offervault.com which is a good resource for products to promote.

JV Zoo and Muncheye: helps you promote products upon launching (Launch Jacking).