Quotes About Today

Quotes About Today: Living in the Present Moment

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Quotes About Today: Living in the Present Moment

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the past or worry about the future. But the only moment we truly have is the present. Here are some quotes about today that remind us to live in the moment and appreciate the here and now.


Today is the only moment we truly have, and it’s important to live in the present and appreciate the here and now. Here are some quotes about today that remind us to stay focused on the present moment, appreciate the people and things around us, and take action to create a better future.

Quotes about living in the present moment

Mother Teresa reminds us that yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come, and we have only have today to make a difference. Buddha echoes this sentiment, stating that the secret to health for both mind and body is to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly. C.S. Lewis reminds us that the future will come regardless of what we do or who we are, so it’s important to focus on the present. Steve Jobs encourages us to do what we love, and not to settle for anything less. And Roy T. Bennett reminds us that while the past is a valuable teacher, it’s not a place to dwell.

Quotes about gratitude and appreciation

Gratitude and appreciation for the little things can go a long way in helping us live in the present moment. Melody Beattie reminds us that gratitude can turn what we have into enough, and more. Robert Brault encourages us to enjoy the little things, for they may turn out to be the big things. And Marcel Proust acknowledges the important role that others play in our lives, reminding us to be grateful to those who make us happy.

Quotes about taking action

Living in the present moment means taking action to create a better future. Sam Levenson encourages us to keep going, not watching the clock, but doing what it does. Abraham Lincoln reminds us that we can create our own future by taking action in the present. And Zig Ziglar emphasizes the importance of personal growth and development as we work towards our goals.

Quotes about mindfulness and self-awareness

Mindfulness and self-awareness are important components of living in the present moment. Unknown reminds us that the most important thing is to be ourselves, unless we can be Batman, in which case, always be Batman. Ram Dass suggests that we quiet our minds to better hear our inner voice. And Rumi reminds us that we are not small and insignificant, but rather powerful and full of potential.

Quotes about overcoming obstacles

Finally, living in the present moment means facing obstacles head-on, rather than letting them hold us back. Winston Churchill reminds us that success is not final, and failure is not fatal, but it’s the courage to continue that counts. Theodore Roosevelt encourages us to believe in ourselves, for we are halfway there. And Jimmy Dean reminds us that while we can’t control everything in life, we can adjust our sails to reach our destination.


In conclusion, quotes about today serve as a powerful reminder to live in the present moment, appreciate what we have, and take action to create a better future. By living in the moment, we can overcome obstacles, find joy in the little things, and become the best versions of ourselves.


What is mindfulness, and how can it help me live in the present moment?

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgment. By focusing on the present, we can reduce stress and anxiety, and increase our overall well-being.

Why is it important to appreciate the little things in life?

Appreciating the little things in life helps us to find joy and happiness in the present moment, rather than always chasing after the next big thing.

How can I overcome obstacles and achieve my goals?

Overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals requires persistence, determination, and a willingness to learn from failure. Set realistic goals, break them down into smaller steps, and stay focused on the present moment.

What can I do to stay focused on the present moment?

Mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can help you stay focused on the present moment. You can also try setting aside time each day to practice gratitude and appreciation for the little things in life.

How can I create a better future for myself and those around me?

Creating a better future requires taking action in the present moment, whether it’s working towards your own personal goals, or contributing to a greater cause. By living in the present moment, you can take small steps every day to create a brighter future for yourself and those around you.

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