How Can I Make Money from Pinterest?

You have waited for a few days for Pinterest to figure out what your boards are about and now it is time to start pinning from Pinterest and drive traffic to your blog posts with affiliate links. Like I indicate before, this could be a blog self-hosted on WordPress or on Medium. To make money through affiliate links, follow these steps:

How Can I Make Money from Pinterest?

Create Pinterest Pins Using Canva

Canva is a great online design tool that you can use to create your Pinterest pins.

Launched in 2013, Canva’s easy-to-use features and functionality makes it beginner-friendly that anyone can create a variety of engaging content using Canva.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind that will help your pins rank higher in Pinterest searches:

  • Use the best Pinterest pin ratio of 2:3 when designing graphics. 
  • Vertically-oriented pins perform better on Pinterest and their recommended sizing is 735 x 1102 px. I also experiment with smaller pins (600 x 900), and they do well too.
  • Use fonts that are easy to read, and keeping your fonts to 2-3 maximum. 
  • Minimize the amount of text on an image. Make sure it’s easy to read on mobile screens.
  • Use warm feminine colors. The Black and white combination also works well.
  • Always use quality images. The image you use should also correspond with your topic and match your branding. 
  • Display your brand logo or website on the pin. I prefer the bottom part of the pin.
  • Use a catchy headline and call to action that stand out. It is important to note that Pinterest can read what is on your pin so all keywords as many as you can. 

Upload Your Affiliate Pin on Pinterest

Step 1: Click the + symbol on the top right and then select pin.

​Log in to your Pinterest account.

Click the plus sign icon in the bottom right corner of your Feed.

Select Create a Pin.

Click the arrow icon to upload the photo file a.k.a pin you’ve created to promote the affiliate product from your computer.

Step 2: Optimize Your Pinterest Pins

Add and Optimize Your Pin Title

With a regular pin, your main target keyword should be in your pin title. 

Add and Optimize Your Pin Description

Write a pin description consisting of 100 – 200 words of text. Make sure you incorporate your main target long-tail keyword, 2 lead keywords, and 1 supportive keyword according to your keywords research conducted earlier. 

You can also use hashtags on pinterest

Another way to optimize your Pinterest pin is by using hashtags at the end of your pin description. By doing this, you can lead Pinners to your content,

 To add hashtags, type “#” followed by a keyword or phrase. You can use 3 – 4 descriptive keywords.

Step 3: Save Your Affiliate Pins to the Most Relevant, Well-keyworded Board.

Now that you have uploaded your pin, and written a good description, it is time to link your pin to a blog post that has an affiliate link. This way you can make an affiliate commission if the person who follows the link, reads your valuable blog post, ends up buying a product or service from the merchant.

So it is important to make sure your Pinterest pin links back to the appropriate page or post.

Add a link to your blog post in the destination link just below the description.

How Can I Make Money from Pinterest?

Step 4: Create 5 Versions of Each Pin

You can create 5 different versions of the PIN on one post in order to make the most of your blog post. is one of the best ways to increase traffic from the platform and increase the chances of a Pinterest pin going viral.

Take note, it is very important to but rewords the title and description. You can play around with different phrases, emphasizing different important elements of your post to see what catches your audience’s attention the most.